As Gopher exited the room, EVE rushed to an air lock. She squeezed herself in and, wit... [查看全文]
WALL · E and EVE quietly entered the dark control room of the ship’s emergency escape... [查看全文]
As WALL · E and EVE were placed back in the transport, the Captain remained on the b... [查看全文]
All business, EVE saluted the Captain. She was fully prepared to complete her directive—... [查看全文]
On the ship’s bridge, Auto stood at attention, awaiting the arrival of the Captain. Wit... [查看全文]
The monorail glided across the lido deck, finally stopping at the entrance to the ship’... [查看全文]
WALL · E moved forward ... and wandered across one of the lines on the floor. This b... [查看全文]
Inside the transport, as Gopher patiently waited at the wheel, WALL · E could feel the... [查看全文]
As it approached the star liner, WALL · E’s small probe ship was swallowed inside the... [查看全文]
As the probe ship roared through the murky brown sky, WALL · E could feel the force... [查看全文]