Chapter 5It was the same mask that had dropped into the water when Nemo was taken away.Maybe i... [查看全文]
Chapter 4The giant shark bared row upon row of razor-sharp white teeth as its mouth spread into... [查看全文]
Chapter 3Daddy! Help me! Nemo shouted, realizing that he was in danger.Marlin shook himself out ... [查看全文]
Chapter 2A few minutes later, Mr. Ray and the children arrived at the Drop-off.All right, kids,... [查看全文]
CHAPTER 1Deep in the ocean, the morning sun’s rays shone through the water. Inside an anem... [查看全文]
PROLOGUEIn the warm tropical waters off the coast of Australia, two clownfish swam at the edge ... [查看全文]
EpilogueI can’t believe it! We work at Monsters, Incorporated! Mike said to Sulley. They bo... [查看全文]
Chapter 27Later that day, after their disciplinary hearing, Mike and Sulley returned to the OK f... [查看全文]
Chapter 26Inside the door lab, Dean Hardscrabble had just pressed her finger on the power button... [查看全文]
Chapter 25Sulley jumped down into a gulley, evading the camp rangers’ f lashlights. He foug... [查看全文]