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  第一,在外语学习五项能力——听、说、读、写、译——的训练方面,学生从中学到大学在听、说、读三项能力方面得到的训练比较多??写句训... [查看全文]


  考生们托福写作最大特点是语言空洞,看似有道理,而且托福写作字数也很多,但禁不起推敲,这恰巧和托福写作备考的要求相悖。透视托福写... [查看全文]


  新托福写作是托福考试的最后-部分,托福写作第-篇叫做综合写作(Integrated writing), 托福写作第二篇作文叫独立写作 ,给定考生-熟悉... [查看全文]

2020-06-30托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:earn a lot of money means successful?

  托福写作难点话题一览  Only people who earn a lot of money are successful?  Do you agree or disagree with th... [查看全文]

2020-06-29托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:young children spending time practicing sports

  托福写作难点话题一览  The advantages and disadvantages of young children spending much time practicing sports. ... [查看全文]

2020-06-28托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:research center for business or agriculture

  托福写作难点话题一览  A center for business research or for research in agriculture?  A university plans to d... [查看全文]

2020-06-27托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:spend all school day studying or exercising

  托福写作难点话题一览  Should we spend all school day studying or set aside some time for exercising?  Some p... [查看全文]

2020-06-26托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析: reading fiction or watching movies

  托福写作难点话题一览  Is reading fiction more enjoyable than watching movies?  Do you agree or disagree with ... [查看全文]

2020-06-25托福写作优秀范文:Experience is the best teacher

  It has been said, Not every thing that is learned is contained in books. Compare and contrast knowledge gain... [查看全文]


  托福写作备考中有一项资料的参考价值很高,那就是范文。范文特别是5分以上的文章往往有许多值得大家学习的地方。而无论是遣词造句还是... [查看全文]