细节一:开头段交代清楚就行,不要一味求长! 为什么有形式主语呢?很简单,因为真正的主语太长了,容易对我们的理解造成影响,而且主... [查看全文]
托福写作相对来说,时间与质量的要求都是非常高的。那么,如何提高托福写作速度呢? 一、打字速度 作为互联网的一代,绝大部分考生... [查看全文]
作文理由,最忌讳的就是就事论事,不作任何扩展。当不作任何扩展的时候,也就是不做任何细化的时候,其实不惯是老托福还是新托福,一个... [查看全文]
所谓言简朴实原则,就是行文不啰嗦,句子应越短越好,如果一个字能说清楚的,就不要用两个字。 例如:At this point in time,w... [查看全文]
托福写作难点话题一览 Computers and human life Some people say that computers have made life easier and more... [查看全文]
托福写作难点话题一览 Do grades encourage students to learn? Do you agree or disagree with the following sta... [查看全文]
托福写作难点话题一览 Choosing a job: high-paying with long working hours, or low-paying with short working hou... [查看全文]
托福写作难点话题一览 Choose a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study. If you could study... [查看全文]