463. What these people fail to consider is that...译文 这些人没有考虑到的是……点睛 本句型是用来转换视角、否定前面提到的... [查看全文]
462. It would be reasonable to take the view that..., but it would be foolish to claim that...译文 拥有……的观... [查看全文]
461. There is no truth that...译文 ……是没有意义的/……是不真实的。点睛 本句型是说明事物或者情况状态的句型,用there be句... [查看全文]
460. If it were left for me to decide whether..., I would, without hesitation, choose to do...译文 要是由我来决定... [查看全文]
459. Special attention should be paid to...译文 我们应该特别注意……点睛 本句型是用于表示事物重要性的句型,用被动语态来强... [查看全文]
458. The importance of... lies in the fact that...译文 ……的重要性在于……点睛 本句型是典型的说明事物重要性的句型。本句... [查看全文]
457. The reason lies in several aspects.译文原因有几个方面。点睛本句型是典型的议论文中间部分的起始句型。在本句型的引导下,后... [查看全文]
456. It is taken for granted that...译文 人们认为……是理所当然的。点睛 本句型是典型的提出观点的句型,通常用在议论文或者应... [查看全文]
455. Let's have an example. TV sets, refrigerators and recorders have become household necessities.译文 让我们来... [查看全文]
454. If there is..., then...译文 如果……,那么……点睛 本句型是典型的表示因果关系的句型,适用于各种文体。该句型可以变换为:... [查看全文]