443. The cause of higher prices was an increase in demand.译文 价格上升的原因在于需求的增加。点睛 本句中包含的句型为th... [查看全文]
442. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.译文 再次为给您带来的任何不便表示道歉。点睛 本句用于道歉信的结... [查看全文]
441. Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.译文 如果您能尽快回复我的咨询,我... [查看全文]
440. ..., and vice versa indeed.译文 ……,反之亦然。点睛 vice versa是英语中的固定表达,含义为反之亦然。这一句型可以用在议... [查看全文]
439. Perhaps A is the wrong word, however, B might not be any better.译文 可能A不是正确的词语,但是,B也不比A好多少... [查看全文]
438. Some individuals hold a firm position that...is beneficial to...译文有些人深信,……对……而言是有益的。点睛本句型主... [查看全文]
437. Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows:...译文 从外语系参考资料... [查看全文]
436. I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of..., and plan to apply for admission.译... [查看全文]
435. We appreciate your interest in...and look forward to helping you to...译文 感谢您对……的关注,我们期待能够帮助您... [查看全文]
434. Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning... To help with..., I have enclosed...译文 感谢您近来对于……的询... [查看全文]