413. It is universally acknowledged that...译文大家都承认……点睛本句型是典型的提出正确观点的句型,适用于各种需要表明观点的文... [查看全文]
412. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.译文 根据最... [查看全文]
411. According to the statistics provided by..., it can be seen that...译文 根据……提供的数据,我们可以得出这样的结论... [查看全文]
410. It reveals the unquestionable fact that...译文 它揭示了一个毋庸置疑的事实,那就是……点睛 本句型是典型的图表文的开头... [查看全文]
409. A recent investigation indicates that...译文 最近的一项调查表明,……点睛 本句型是典型的图表文的开头,它可以引出图表中... [查看全文]
408. As the proverb says,...译文 有句谚语说得好,……点睛 本句型可以用于给定的名言、谚语或者俗语作为话题的议论性文章的开头,... [查看全文]
407. When it comes to..., most people believe that...; but other people argue that...译文 当谈论到……问题时,大多数... [查看全文]
406. Different people have different attitudes towards...Some are in favor of..., while others are against...译文 ... [查看全文]
405. Over the past ten years, millions of...have mushroomed all over China.译文 在过去的10年里,数百万的……在中国如雨... [查看全文]
404. Although many people believe that..., I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis.译文 尽管很多人认为……... [查看全文]