小对话:A: You have drunk three bottles of water one hour.What is the matter?一个小时内你喝了三瓶水,你怎么回事?B: I... [查看全文]
小对话A: I never wear the former clothes when at work. Somy colleagues say that I am not like a manager.上班时... [查看全文]
小对话A: This morning, you always interrupt me in theconference. Do you know it is not polite to butt inwhen ot... [查看全文]
小对话A: Let’s go shopping after work, OK?下班后我们去购物,好吗?B: I will stay at home. I think I am having... [查看全文]
小对话A: It is very late. I have to go home now.现在很晚了,我得回家了。B: OK, let me see you out.好吧,那我送你出... [查看全文]
小对话A: Last time, my company was short of money, onlyMary helped me.上次,我的公司资金周转不灵,只有玛丽帮我。B: You... [查看全文]
小对话A: Don’t worry. I will try my best to persuade themanager not to fire you.别担心,我会尽力劝说经理不要开... [查看全文]
小对话A: I want to visit your manager. Can I?我想见一下你们的经理。B: Wait a moment. Please put your John-Hancock ... [查看全文]
小对话A: Terry, do you still remember the scene we met for the first time?Terry,你还记得我们初次见面的情景吗?B: Ah,... [查看全文]
小对话A: Honey. What a sunny day! Let’s go out to have a walk.亲爱的,多好的天气啊!我们一起出去散步吧。B: Sorry... [查看全文]