小对话A: Don’t put on airs. Do something practical.别摆架子了,做点实事吧。B: Sir. I... I dare not next time.... [查看全文]
小对话A: Jame, you should not look down on people lesssuperior thank you. You hurt the dustman justnow.Jane,你不... [查看全文]
A: Have you heard my travel experience? I can tell you some.你听过我的旅游经历吗?我可以告诉你一些。B: Well, I am dr... [查看全文]
小对话A: Our company is very interested in the electronicproducts of your company.我们公司对贵公司生产的产品很感兴趣。B... [查看全文]
小对话A: Terry always leaves his files here and there. I cannot bear him anymore.Terry把文件弄得到处都是,我再也忍受... [查看全文]
小对话A: Honey, I’ve been dying to meet you.亲爱的,我非常想见到你。B: Me too. If only you were beside me.我... [查看全文]
小对话A: Hello, Ben. Our boss will give you a raise for your business achievement.你好,本,你的业绩出众,老板要给你... [查看全文]
小对话A: Sir, maybe there is something wrong with the phone in our company.老板,我们公司的电话可能坏了。B: Really? ... [查看全文]
小对话A: We have so many things in common. I’d love to chat with you.我们有许多共同点,我愿意和你聊天。B: Me ... [查看全文]
小对话A: Terry, have you got what I said in the conference?Terry,我在会议上说的东西你都听清楚了吗?B: Mm... Could you... [查看全文]