很多人都有午睡的习惯,午睡有不少好处,比如提升记忆力、创造力,但如果方式不对,也会带来不良影响。并不是睡得越久越好The ideal nap... [查看全文]
运动健身时穿白色衣物绝对不是一个明智选择。白色衣物本就“矫情”,不仅不耐脏,穿久了还容易变黄,怎么洗都洗不干净。白色衣服应该如何清... [查看全文]
What did a teacher do that made you automatically gain respect for them? 在哪一刻,你发自内心地敬佩和感谢你的老师? I... [查看全文]
Are cotton tote bags as good for the environment as we think? 棉布手提袋真的那么环保吗?真相出乎意料 Cotton bags hav... [查看全文]
What's That Gray Ring You Sometimes See Around Hard-Boiled Eggs? 煮鸡蛋时,为什么有的蛋黄表面会变绿? Some hard-boi... [查看全文]
Here's the reason why we roll up our sleeves and get shots in the arm 疫苗为什么打在胳膊上?原因没有你想的那么... [查看全文]
It's not just the heat that can negatively impact your body and affect your health during the warm summer m... [查看全文]
Squats and lunges are two basic exercises that are found in most workout routines. While these increase mobility... [查看全文]
对服务人员心存感谢;进出大门时,为身后的人扶一下门;不在公共场合高声喧哗;懂得控制情绪,不骂脏话;咳嗽、打喷嚏时捂住嘴……生活工作中注... [查看全文]
强烈的好奇心让推特网友提出了许多关于奥运会的问题,下面就来看看这些古怪而有趣的提问以及它们的答案吧。Curious how dressage horses... [查看全文]