纽约时间比加州时间早三个小时,New York is 3 hours ahead of California,但加州时间并没有变慢。but it does not make Calif... [查看全文]
面对形形色色的相亲对象,又没有火眼金睛,要如何分辨谁才适合你呢?专家警告,初次约会有以下7种表现的人,条件再好也不要陷进去。1. They... [查看全文]
图片来自BBCWhen darkness fell, the child began to sing. Almost every evening, the shrill voice – somewhere d... [查看全文]
"In April 2011 Evan Spiegel stood up in a Stanford product design class to present an idea for his final proje... [查看全文]
秋高气爽的日子到了,多地风景缤纷绚烂、美如油画,不去旅游就太浪费了。如果你不知道去哪里能看到最美的秋景,不如来看看我们的推荐。1. ... [查看全文]
Sufficient sleep has been proven to help keep the body healthy and the mind sharp. But it's not just an is... [查看全文]
有网友分享了在旧书摊淘到的上海民国时期的英语课本,中午内容实在讲究。 一句君安好否,让人似走进了优雅古旧的民国时光。 ... [查看全文]
今天是中秋节,我们来盘点一些口味清奇的月饼。月饼的制作本没有固定公式,只要是一层饼皮裹着饱满的馅心,圆圆的形状象征团圆和睦,再多神... [查看全文]
We're a puritanical society when it comes to sleepinglate in the morning. We equate having a lie-in tobeing ... [查看全文]
Forget going to the gym or signing up for yoga, new research suggests you can stay in shapeby simply doing the... [查看全文]