India will make all possible efforts to get back theKoh-i-Noor Diamond from Britain despite commentsby New Del... [查看全文]
The classic masculine button-down has this seasonbeen given a feminine twist. Spring/summercatwalks introduced sh... [查看全文]
My 18 month old son has a slight preference for hismother. How can I win his favor?我18个月大的儿子喜欢他妈妈多一... [查看全文]
约会迟到?说话不算数?打游戏忘了你?男朋友总是有各种各样的原因会惹女友生气,但是,如果他能送你一枚enragement ring(消气戒指),估计大... [查看全文]
1. Bangs.在美国,刘海的英文是bangs,我第一次听到这个词也觉得蛮逗的。2. Mohawk.男士常见发型一:现在最流行的发型,两侧剃得超短,然... [查看全文]
The reign of the silver fox has been long and glorious.银发盛行的时代由来已久且极受欢迎。George Clooney, Robbie Willi... [查看全文]
Females are adopting a croaky drawl known as ‘vocal fry’ and showcased by the likes of many US celeb... [查看全文]
我们身边总有那么几个朋友,一年里每隔几个月就发个信息,问问你在忙什么?过得怎么样?然后就无声无息了。据说,发送这样短信的人只是为了与... [查看全文]
From helping to relieve backache to regulating temperatures between the sheets and helping to prevent snoring, mat... [查看全文]