1、西瓜 watermelon 进入夏季,各种西瓜大量上市。堪称瓜中之王的西瓜之所以如此受人喜爱,是因为它瓤美汁多,香甜可口,营养丰富... [查看全文]
水星:Mercury 水星最接近太阳,是太阳系中第二小行星。水星的英文名字Mercury来自罗马神墨丘利。墨丘利也就是希腊神话中的Hermes ... [查看全文]
46. diagnostician[7daiE^nCs5tiFEn] n.诊断医生, 诊断专家 47. boo-boo n.<俚>愚蠢的错误, 轻伤 48. Does he say tha... [查看全文]
31. Dr. Gettleman is finishing up with a patient, he should be out shortly. finish up with sb.. 32. strep... [查看全文]
16. botched Botox.糟糕的Botox除皱治疗 17. therapist [5WerEpIst] n.临床医学家 18. get out of a nine-year relat... [查看全文]
jeffwu 1. pediatrician [7pi:diE5triFEn] n.儿科医师 2. So what's the big news you had us rush all the ... [查看全文]
很多人由于对遗忘曲线的理解错误,自然造成了对遗忘曲线在学习中的应用出现错误。如果没有理解记忆保留的正确含义,就会认为要赶紧趁着... [查看全文]
681. Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.充裕并不意味多余。猎犬... [查看全文]
661. I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.我断然确认了理论与实践相符。662. The subordi... [查看全文]
641. "The enterprise will be supervised by a group comprising prominent men,"the despising chairman said concisely... [查看全文]