预告片 trailer 剧透 spoiler 季 season 春季剧 spring drama/ 秋季剧 autumn drama 集 episode 演员阵容 cast 剧照 poster/stage photo [查看全文]
10. Puffer Fish 河豚9. Poison Dart Frog 毒镖蛙8. Inland Taipan 内陆大班7. The Brazilian wandering spider 巴西蜘蛛6.... [查看全文]
一、水果类(fruits): 西红柿 tomato 菠萝 pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子 shaddock (pomelo)橙子orange 苹... [查看全文]
inhale (breath in) 吸气 exhale (breath out) 呼气 deep breath in 深吸气 deep breath out 深呼气 ... [查看全文]
supervisor:主管 manager:经理 junior/senior executive:理事 vice president:副总 CEO(Chief Executive Officer):首席... [查看全文]
1.adventurous 有冒险精神的,大胆的 2.arrogant 傲慢的,自大的 3.aggressive 有进取心的,攻击性的 4.unconventional ... [查看全文]
Unit 81 交通运输(1)其他相关词汇 情景词汇 Situational Words and Phrases 情景词汇 1.ask for a lift(to hitchhike... [查看全文]
Unit 80 交通运输 情景词汇 Situational Words and Phrases 情景词汇 1.Amen Pass 美国通行票 A: I'm interes... [查看全文]