追求女友函October 13, 2005Dear Noriko,亲爱的范子:Hi, I hope you haven’t forgotten me already. You sat next to... [查看全文]
给情人回函August 9, 2005Dear Jenny,I can’t tell you how happy I was to get your letter. I miss you terribl... [查看全文]
情书一则August 3, 2005Dearest Michael,It’s only been four days since you went to Tokyo, but it seems like i... [查看全文]
友人寄还书籍函May 17, 2005Dear Irene,Enclosed is your book. I hope it gets to you quickly enough. Don’t worr... [查看全文]
要求友人还书籍函May 12, 2005Dear Harold Williams,Do you remember that price guide I lent you a few weeks ago? I&r... [查看全文]
告知友人旅游函March 18, 2005Dear Joyce,I got back to Bangkok a few days ago. I was very happy to find two lette... [查看全文]
朋友再次回函March 8, 2005Dear Vincent,I was really pleased to get your letters. I really have started a little st... [查看全文]
向友人告知旅游近况函February 28, 2005Dear Joyce,I just arrived in New Delhi yesterday. During my last week in Nepal... [查看全文]
向友人再次告知旅游近况函February 18, 2005Dear Joyce,As you can see from the postmark, I’m now in Nepal. Katman... [查看全文]
友人羡慕函February 17, 2005Dear Vincent,I was thrilled to get your letter. I’ve never gotten a letter from A... [查看全文]