向友人描述亚洲之行函February 8, 2005Dear Joyce,Here I am in Asia! I’m still in Thailand now; I’ve been ... [查看全文]
同学担心考试不及格函November 27, 2005Hey Brad,You aren’t the only one who’s having problems with grades. ... [查看全文]
同学坦承贪玩函November 19, 2005Hey Rob,I’m still having a lot of fun here (more than you, I’m sure), b... [查看全文]
回函不甘示弱October 30, 2005Hey Brad,Loser college? Look who’s talking! If you came here to visit me, you&rsq... [查看全文]
同学询问大学生活函October 20, 2005Hey Rob!What’s up, dude? How are you enjoying life at that loser college yo... [查看全文]
友人贺产女函December 26, 2005Dear Cathy,Congratulations on your new baby! I remember when our son was born two yea... [查看全文]
告知友人产女函December 18, 2005Dear Helen,I’m very happy to inform you that on the 12th of this month I gav... [查看全文]
友人告诫放松心情回函March 20, 2005Dear Terry,I was very pleased to receive your letter. I knew you were probably t... [查看全文]
回老友函March 10, 2005Dear Robert,Thank you for your recent letter. I’m sorry I couldn’t reply sooner. ... [查看全文]
母亲告诫儿子用功函November 4, 2005Dear Brad,I hope when you say you didn’t do too bad on your exams, you me... [查看全文]