从前,有一个磨坊老闆,有一个很漂亮的女儿。随着女儿长大,做父亲的心里开始想:「如果有一个能让我满意的人来娶她作妻子,我就把她嫁... [查看全文]
The Robber Bridegroom Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a miller who had a beautiful d... [查看全文]
The Elves Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm First Tale A shoemaker, through no fault of his own, had become so ... [查看全文]
从前,有一只狡猾的老狐狸,他很想知道自己的妻子对自己是不是真心真意的。所以,有一天他直挺挺地躺在长凳下面装死,那样子就像是一只... [查看全文]
Mrs. Fox's Wedding Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm First Tale Once upon a time there was an old fox with ... [查看全文]
木匠和那些朋友们高兴地吃喝着,直到深夜。后来大家都去睡觉了,年轻人把小魔桌靠在墙上,也睡了。店主却无法入睡,他想起储藏室里有张... [查看全文]
很久以前有个裁缝,他有三个儿子。家里养了一头羊,全家人靠羊奶生活,所以必须把它喂好养好。三个儿子轮流去放羊。一天,大儿子把羊赶... [查看全文]
Then the journeyman said, "I will let mercy take the place of justice, but beware of getting into mischief ... [查看全文]
Table-Be-Set, Gold-Donkey, and Cudgel-out-of-the-Sack Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was once upon a time a ... [查看全文]
汉斯给他的雇主做了七年的工,这会儿他对雇主说:主人,我的工作期限到了,现在我想回家探望母亲,请您把工资付给我吧。雇主说:你很忠... [查看全文]