I have also seen him in "The Rivals." Once while I was calling on him in Boston he acted the moststriking... [查看全文]
O dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon, 哦,黑暗,黑暗,黑暗,被正午的光辉围裹, Irrecoverably dark, total eclip... [查看全文]
When a rainy day keeps me indoors, I amuse myself after the manner of other girls. I like to knitand croch... [查看全文]
In the country one sees only Nature’s fair works, and one’s soul is not saddened by the cruel st... [查看全文]
It seems to me that there is in each of us a capacity to comprehend the impressions and emotions which hav... [查看全文]
One day we had a thrilling experience. There was a regatta in the Northwest Arm, in which the boats from t... [查看全文]
Chapter XXII 第二十二章 I trust that my readers have not concluded from the preceding chapter on books th... [查看全文]
Then, too, there is in German literature a fine reserve which I like; but its chief glory is therecognition... [查看全文]
I have since read Shakespeare’s plays many times and know parts of them by heart, but I cannot tell w... [查看全文]
The story of Ruth, too—how Oriental it is! Yet how different is the life of these simple country folks fro... [查看全文]