At some point he went back to work: the end of September, he thought. By this point, he knew what had happe... [查看全文]
Even before they became a couple, Willem would always bring him something from wherever he’d been working, and... [查看全文]
“Really?”“真的?” Malcolm’s persistent credulity makes him grin. “Yes,” he says. “Ready, guys?”马尔科姆总是... [查看全文]
I doubt that, he said. And I’m coming.我很怀疑。他说,我要去。 The picnic was held on the grounds of a... [查看全文]
“Not then,” Jude reminded him. “Not actively, at least.”“当时还没有,”裘德提醒他,“至少还没发病。” “No, maybe... [查看全文]
He nodded, barely. Of course, he said, just as quietly. This was always how their own trip on the Camino w... [查看全文]
“Then I’ll carry you,” Jude had said promptly, and Willem had smiled. “Or we’ll get a donkey, and he’ll... [查看全文]
“Right,” he says, and bends down, takes Jude’s sunglasses off him, kisses him on his eyelids, and replaces ... [查看全文]
He is enjoying the dinner, amused even by how people keep adding scoops of different food to his plate, even... [查看全文]
The surgery will be on a Monday, and although he stays at the office late on Friday, he doesn’t go in on ... [查看全文]