“Of course,” he says. “And you don’t need to worry: you have a beautiful voice, Willem.”“当然可以,”他说,... [查看全文]
He looked at Willem, who took a breath. “At the hospital,” he said. “They were changing your dressings, and... [查看全文]
Willem had smiled. I enjoy it, yes, he said, but I don’t need it. He smiled again. My dentist will b... [查看全文]
“Yes,” he says. “Thanks.”“好的,”他说,“谢谢你。” It’s a busy day, for which he’s grateful, and he tries... [查看全文]
He remembered a conversation he’d had with Robin when he had been preparing to shoot The Odyssey and was rer... [查看全文]
Vanya was an efficient shoot, just thirty-six days, and was over by the last week in March. One day shortly ... [查看全文]
“I don’t think you hate yourself enough for it, no,” he’d yelled back. “Why did you do that, JB? Why di... [查看全文]
Jude’s sex life, his sexuality, had been a subject of ongoing fascination for everyone who knew him, and cert... [查看全文]
I don’t mean to offend you, Willem, Kit had said, carefully. I know you love him. But come on. If he... [查看全文]
In the first, raw weeks after Jude had gotten out of the hospital, Willem used to go into his room at odd ... [查看全文]