368. They also carry out research work aimed at extending man's knowledge of these subjects.译文他们也会开展旨在... [查看全文]
367. We can accept your order on condition that payment is made in advance.译文如果你能提前付款,我们就可以接受你的订... [查看全文]
366. Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as all other animals on earth.译文蚂蚁虽小,但是它跟生活在地球... [查看全文]
365. Color and sex are not relevant to whether a person is suitable for the job.译文肤色和性别与一个人是否适合某一... [查看全文]
364. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, even though they have no schedules to keep.译... [查看全文]
363. It is reported that Uruguay understands and backs China on human rights issues.译文据报道,乌拉圭在人权问题上理... [查看全文]
362. There is no solid evidence that people can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a ... [查看全文]
361. When I go out in the evening I use the bike rather than the car if I can.译文晚上出门时,能骑车我就决不开车... [查看全文]
360. Many a player who had been highly thought of has disappeared from the tennis scene.译文很多声望很高的选手都已... [查看全文]
359. This belief that the social environment influenced a person's overall development was very encouraging to... [查看全文]