Describe the ideal home that you would like to live inMy ideal house is one located in the countryside, and it... [查看全文]
Describe an electrical appliance you want to buyI want to have an MP3, coz I think it will be the most functi... [查看全文]
【真题实例】 How can a company encourage its employees? 【答题思路】 公司鼓励员工的方式有很多,《剑六》中专门有一篇... [查看全文]
Describe a famous person that you admireI would like to talk about the late Mr. Qian Xuesen. He was honored th... [查看全文]
01 How to say……? 点评:看到第一句,就能感受到大家几乎都中招了,其实How to say这个用法是十分典型的中式英语,正确说法... [查看全文]
食物类 piece of cake 小菜一碟 The math test was a piece of cake. 数学测试很简单。 to go bananas 抓狂,... [查看全文]
不少同学在准备雅思口语的时候喜欢把重点都放在Part2上面,而Part3的问题往往是看一眼就过去了。但实际上Part3的问题往往很抽象又难回... [查看全文]
一、表述长答案的能力。 我们的答案要长,就要在答案里包括丰富的信息。简单举例,考官问Are you working or studying?好印象的... [查看全文]
一、尽管单靠背诵不能保证(toguarantee)口试的成功(success),但是如果应对策略(strategy)得当,也可以取得比较满意的(satisfied)分数... [查看全文]
以下为拓展话题的三个小技巧 Keep asking yourself "why?" Explain the alternatives Give an example 范例: Q... [查看全文]