雅思口语基本句型1、Wrap this package for me. 给我把这包裹包好。 寻求帮助时的用语,当你不知道怎样打包或者没有时间打包时... [查看全文]
雅思口语满分技巧1. 了解考场状况和考试流程,完全进入状态 考生在备考之前,一定要弄清楚考试的流程和考场的具体情况,一定要按照... [查看全文]
雅思口语考试步骤1:简单介绍 内容:考官介绍他/她自己,询问考生的姓名,来自哪里,检查考生号。 制胜因素:发音清晰;态度积极;... [查看全文]
雅思口语高分句型套用技巧一、定语从句经典系列 ① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that)... [查看全文]
Describe a product from another country that you bought. You should say: what it was where you bought ... [查看全文]
Describe a shop you like to go to. what shop it is what it sells (or, what you usually buy there) w... [查看全文]
Describe an article you read from internet or magazines about healthy life You should say: what the artic... [查看全文]
Describe a skill you would like to learn. You should say: what it is why you think it is important ... [查看全文]
Describe a short journey that you disliked. You should say: where you went who you went with what yo... [查看全文]
1.Usually [ju: u li] 这是比较难纠正的一个发音。考生通常将这个词读做 [ju:ru li]。/ /的发音是个难点。 同类错误包括:... [查看全文]