很多考生对雅思的口语考试感觉非常恐惧,其实雅思的口语比托福的TSE要简单很多,因为它并不要求你有多么完美的表现,只要求考生具有用... [查看全文]
1. 模仿标准答案 在最近一段时间里,已经很少有新题出现。所以大多数考生会选择去一一的准备考过的题目(主要是雅思Part 1和Part ... [查看全文]
口语是中国考生的一个弱项。在多年的雅思教学过程中,经常会听到很多考生都在抱怨说自己在考前付出了许多的努力,但反而成绩欠佳。这当... [查看全文]
高频part3问题: Why do people give gifts to others ? Describe a cloth that someone gave to you . 解析... [查看全文]
高频part3问题: What kinds of people can be leaders ? Describe a leader . 解析: 这个问题很有深度。同学... [查看全文]
高频part3问题: Why do people spend money they don't have? Describe something you bought that made you... [查看全文]
高频Part3问题: Why do some people like to eat alone ? Describe a dinner that you had with your friends... [查看全文]
【题目】 Describe a time you got up extremely early You should say: when it was how early you had t... [查看全文]
【题目】 forget things 1 What kinds of things do you have to bring when you go out 2 Did you ever f... [查看全文]
Part2 话题精讲: Describe an expensive activity . You should say : What it is ? How much you pay for... [查看全文]