雅思口语考试心态是固然重要的,今天给大家分享的是雅思口语考试之调整心态篇,希望能够对你有所帮助。 见考官就紧张,怎么办? ... [查看全文]
不知道各位烤鸭们有木有注意到,咱考生普遍都有一个通病,那就是在听力和阅读这两项上拿到band7或者band8是比较常见的,却迟迟被写作口... [查看全文]
Something happened recently that made you happy P2 Describe a recent event that made you happy. you sho... [查看全文]
A competition that you took part in P2 Describe a competition you would like to take part in. you sho... [查看全文]
A street market you enjoy shopping in P2 Describe a street market where you like to go shopping. You ... [查看全文]
A trip that you took by public transportation P2 Describe a trip you took by public transport. You sho... [查看全文]
An important decision P2 Describe an important decision/ choice that you made in your life. You should ... [查看全文]
P2 Describe a special day you went out and didn’t spend much money. You should say: when it was;... [查看全文]
A perfect holiday you would like to have P2 Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future. ... [查看全文]