核心句型: Can you run the last part by again?你能把一部分重复一遍吗? run the last part by again直译过来就是... [查看全文]
核心句型: I will arrive on the dot. 我会准时到的。 on the dot直译过来就是:压在点上,这个短语的正确意思是:准... [查看全文]
核心句型: The phone was out of whack.我的电话坏了。 whack是个拟声词,读音仿佛激烈碰撞时那种惊天动地的声音。out of... [查看全文]
核心句型: I'm looking forward to meeting you face-to-face.我期待着与您见面。 meet sb. face-to-face这个短语... [查看全文]
核心句型: I'll make it hot for him.我要罚他。 make it hot for直译过来就是:为……把它弄热,这个短语的正确意... [查看全文]
核心句型: Put that in your pipe and smoke it.你好好琢磨琢磨吧! Put that in your pipe and smoke it直译过来... [查看全文]
核心句型: Don't just pay lip service to what I ask of you. 对于我要求你做的事,别只是口头敷衍。 pay l... [查看全文]
核心句型: He needs to be kept in line.要好好管束他一下。 keep sb. in line直译过来就是:让某人排队,这个短语的... [查看全文]
核心句型: Your answers banged on.你的回答完全正确。 bang on/upon是一句常用口语,短语的正确意思是:正中目标;回答完全... [查看全文]
核心句型: Lay off!闭嘴,别再讲了! lay off我们最常用的意思是解雇,但是lay off在口语中也经常表示闭嘴,够了,别再说了。... [查看全文]