下面是2014年英语专业八级写作模板:强制退休,供各位考生参考。 In China people are required to retire at a fix age,... [查看全文]
下面是2014年英语专业八级写作模板:校园同居,供各位考生参考。 题目: More and mare students are renting Rats to l... [查看全文]
下面是2014年英语专业八级写作范文寓教于乐及点评,供各位考生参考。 题目: There are certainly many teachers in a un... [查看全文]
下面是2014年英语专业八级写作模板:校园纪律,供各位考生参考。 是否同意某一观点(Yes—No) 这一类题目通常会列出一个观点,然... [查看全文]
SENDING TEENAGERS TO STUDY ABROAD: GOOD OR BAD?Over the past few years, more and more Chinese parents have been... [查看全文]
Universality or DiversityWith the development of globalization, there are an increasing number of scholars these ... [查看全文]
Should Household Chores be required as part of the Daily Routine of School Children?Some parents prefer to do al... [查看全文]
The Happy door Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ri... [查看全文]
【题目】 A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss... [查看全文]
1 A case in point is... 恰当的例子是例如:A case in point is the recent bank robbery. 2 A more interesting ... [查看全文]