have sth at one’s fingertips 对某物了如指掌 to one’s fingertips 各方面,完全,彻底 finish up 结束,完... [查看全文]
according to 根据,按照 符合,合乎 admit of … 容纳得下,有…的余地 in advance 预先,在前 take advantage of... [查看全文]
beat off 打退 beat time 打拍子 beat up somebody 痛打某人 because of 由于,为了 become of 发生...情况,.... [查看全文]
such....that....如此...以致... 某类的人或事物 as such 根据某词严格的词义 ( only in all of a sudden ) 忽然地,... [查看全文]
pay attention to... 注意... attribute to 把...归于... avenge oneself on 对...进行报仇 except for 只是,要不... [查看全文]
burn the midnight oil 开夜车 burn out (火自行)熄灭;烧光某物 burn up 1)烧掉 2)烧旺 burst into 1)闯进 2)突... [查看全文]
come to blows (over sth.)(为某事)打起来 once in a blue 难得一次 out of the blue 出乎意料地 above board ... [查看全文]
changed trains 换车,转车 for a change 换换环境 in chaos 处于混乱状态 chartered flight 包机航班 check in... [查看全文]
flirt with 1不认真地考虑或对待 2举动轻 open the floodgates 1打开水闸2突然接触抑制 floppy disk; floppy diskette... [查看全文]
Not too many decades ago it seemed obvious both to the general public and to sociologists that modern societ... [查看全文]