Planning is a very important activity in our lives. Itcan give pleasure, even excitement, and it can cause... [查看全文]
Ancient man attempted to change the weather by using magic.While experience taught him this was impossible, ... [查看全文]
英语专业八级改错最后点拨 校对与改错是英语专业学生高年级考试(TEM-8)的第二部分。校对与改错部分的测试目的是检查学生在实际语境... [查看全文]
【练习】'Home, sweet home" is a phrase that express an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the r... [查看全文]
【练习】About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used ... [查看全文]
For the last fifteen or twenty years the fashion in criticism or appreciation of the arts have been to deny th... [查看全文]
We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would say _____1that there are not 5... [查看全文]
英语专八改错题:、改错虽然为主观题,但错误类型相对集中,可分为以下几种情况:定冠词:a,an,the误用,甚至多出来;解决办法:分析定冠... [查看全文]
2015年英语专八改错练习汇总2015年英语专八改错练习(一)2015年英语专八改错练习(二)2015年英语专八改错练习(三)2015年英语专八改错练习(四)... [查看全文]
【练习】The great whales are among the most fascinating creatures which __1have ever lived on... [查看全文]