一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I began to teach in New Oriental School in 2008. It is 2018... [查看全文]
一、完成下列句子,注意动词的时态。1. A black cat ran across the road when I______(drive) my ... [查看全文]
一、把下列句子改写成it作主语的句子。1. That the Earth is round is a fact.2. That smokin... [查看全文]
一、分析下文中画线句子的成分。Two men were standing at a bar(酒吧). One man turned ... [查看全文]
一、用适当的介词填空:at/on/in(表示时间):1. Henry is 63. He'll be retiring from his job ____ ... [查看全文]
一、将下列副词放在句中合适的位置:1. I'm leaving for Beijing on a business trip. (tomorrow)2. Com... [查看全文]
一、判断下列句子正误,错误的请改正:1. My brother work for the post office.2. He live... [查看全文]
一、单选题:1. He must have mistaken Clint for ____ .A. IB. me2. I bought a present and... [查看全文]
一、-ing/-ed形容词:1. Don't bother to read that book. It's ____ and you will feel ____ to... [查看全文]