行为比言词更重要。[误] Acts are more important than words.[正] Actions are more important than words.注:act 和 acti... [查看全文]
失业是当前所面临的一个问题。[误] Unemployment is a very actual problem.[正] Unemployment is a current problem.注:表示... [查看全文]
我们现在对国际事务感兴趣。[误] We are interested in world affair now.[正] We are interested in world affairs now.注... [查看全文]
昨天下午,我们的校长在办公楼二楼的接待室里接待了几位外宾。[误] Yesterday afternoon our president received several foreign ... [查看全文]
天然纤维所做的衣服比之人工料子所做的衣服有很大的优点。[误] Clothing made of natural fibres has a great advantage on tha... [查看全文]
广告对我们产生微妙的影响。[误] Advertisement exerts a subtle influence on us.[正] Advertising exerts a subtle influenc... [查看全文]
我不会建议开车去---没有地方停车。[误] I wouldn't advise you taking the car --there's nowhere to park.[正] I w... [查看全文]
我们现在对国际事务感兴趣。[误] We are interested in world affair now.[正] We are interested in world affairs now.注... [查看全文]
这种新发型使她的外表发生了惊人的变化。[误] The new hairdo affected a startling change in her appearance.[正] The new ... [查看全文]
他的突然死亡对我们所有的人都有影响。[误] His sudden death influenced all of us.[正] His sudden death affected all of... [查看全文]