天完全黑了,可怜的姑娘掩面而泣,不知道去哪里寻找走失的妹妹。[误] It was completely dark, and the poor girl cried with h... [查看全文]
你不必担心,他是个知道分寸的人。[误] You can rest assured. He is a man who knows inches and metres.[正] You can re... [查看全文]
在这里工作多年,她算是个了解内幕的人,因此告诉了我们许多鲜为人知的故事。[误] Having worked here for many years, she is on... [查看全文]
叫他卷铺盖走人吧![误] Ask him to roll his quilt and go![正] Give him the sack!注:卷铺盖走人和 give sb. the sack ... [查看全文]
他们的目光相遇了,两人从此坠入了爱河。[误] Their eyesight met, and they fell in love with each other ever since.[正]... [查看全文]
自古以来人们就知道伴君如伴虎。[误] people have known that accompanying kings is just like accompanying tigers even si... [查看全文]
左腿中弹以后,这位勇敢的士兵明白,在获救之前他只能咬紧牙关默默忍受了。[误] Being shot in the left leg, the brave soldier... [查看全文]
你以为会凭空写出文章吗?你不能做无米之炊,所以还是先去搜集资料吧。[误] Do you think you could write something out of noth... [查看全文]
她以前是个传统的中国女孩,可出国一年以后,也已经变成了一个地道的美国人。[误] She was a traditional Chinese girl before, bu... [查看全文]
这个问题对我们来说虽然困难,但对一个数学专业的学生却易如反掌。[误] The question, though difficult for us, is as easy as... [查看全文]