他这么年轻就已经当上了英语系的副教授。[误] Young as he is, he has become a vice-professor in English department.[正] ... [查看全文]
他们去的时候只有站票了。[误] There were only standing tickets available when they went there.[正] There were standing... [查看全文]
君子之交淡如水。[误] The friendship between gentlemen is as tasteless as water.[正] The friendship between gentlemen... [查看全文]
虎父无犬子。[误] A father like a tiger will not have a son like a dog.[正] A wise goose never lays a tame egg... [查看全文]
这件事告诉我们,他并不像我们想象的那样诚实。[误] This tells us that he is not so honest as we thought.[正] This show... [查看全文]
玛丽姨妈最喜欢喝花茶了,所以妈妈让我多带些给她。[误] Flower tea is Aunt Mary\'s favorite, so Mom asked me to bring... [查看全文]
近几年我国的第三产业增长很快。[误] For the latest couple of years the third industry in our country has been develo... [查看全文]
适当保持低调是维护好的公众形象的窍门。[误] To keep an adequately low tone is a tip to maintain good public impressio... [查看全文]
恭喜发财。[误] May you become wealthy.[正] May you be prosperous. /Wish you all the best.注:恭喜发财是句祝福语,不能直译,应按照英语的习惯。 [查看全文]
他不得不口是心非地夸她的晚装很漂亮。[误] He had to say "yes" in the mouth but "no" in the heart when he praised h... [查看全文]