人和动物不同,是有理性的。[误] Man, different from animals, is a rational being.[正] Man, different from other animal... [查看全文]
那天晚上,这男子喝得烂醉如泥,连回家的路都找不着了。[误] That night, the man was as drunk as mud and even lost his w... [查看全文]
这农民还上诉,简直是以卵击石。[误] Lodging an appeal, the farmer is no less than hurling an egg against a rock.[正]... [查看全文]
天网恢恢,逃逸了两年之久的罪犯终于落网了。[误] The web of God is so broad that the criminal who had been away for ... [查看全文]
神州行电话卡在国内使用得很普遍。[误] The telephone cards of Walking Around Shenzhou are widely used in China.[正] The... [查看全文]
公司股票上市以后筹集到了很多资本。[误] After the stocks going to the market, the company collected a large amount of... [查看全文]
许多公司之间存在着三角债。[误] There exist triangle debts among many corporations.[正] There exist chain debts among ... [查看全文]
不能共患难的朋友[误] friend who can not suffer with you[正] fair-weather friend注:fair-weather 是指好天气。我们中国人不... [查看全文]
朦胧诗在当时十分流行。[误] Vague poems were very popular at that time.[正] Misty poems were very popular at that t... [查看全文]
不正之风不能长。[误] We shouldn\'t let bad winds develop.[正] Bad practice should not be promoted.注:不正之风在这... [查看全文]