小心,病从口入![误] Beware! Disease comes from the mouth.[正] Beware! A close mouth catches no flies.注:这又体现了中... [查看全文]
他对什么都无所谓了 ---死猪不怕开水烫嘛[误] He cares about nothing ---a dead pig never fears boiling water.[正] He ca... [查看全文]
那位有钱的女人从头到脚都珠光宝气的。[误] That rich woman is covered with jewellery from head to foot.[正] That rich ... [查看全文]
让我们详细讨论一下这个问题吧。[误] Let\'s discuss this matter in details.[正] Let\'s discuss this matter in de... [查看全文]
苦尽甘来。[误] Sweet comes after bitterness.[正] After rain comes the sunshine.注:也许是中国人受饮食文化的影响,他们的比... [查看全文]
困境之中,我们需要能人帮助。[误] We need a capable person to help us in time of difficulties.[正] We need a capabl... [查看全文]
她可是当时有名的交际花。[误] She was then a famous social flower.[正] She was then a famous social butterfly.注:我... [查看全文]
他逞酒后之勇说出了真相。[误] He told the truth with the wine courage.[正] He told the truth with the Dutch courage... [查看全文]
我笑得肚子都痛了[误] I laughed until my belly ached.[正] I laughed my head off.注:在这里,英语表达可够夸张的 ---头都... [查看全文]
那好时光却只是昙花一现。[误] The good days were only the display of broad-leaved epiphyllum.[正] The good days were... [查看全文]