我们应该摒弃旧习俗,创新风尚。[误] We should cancel outmoded customs and establish new ones.[正] We should abolish ou... [查看全文]
1977年前后,我在农场工作。[误] About in 1977 I worked on a state farm.[正] Around 1977 I worked on a state farm.... [查看全文]
我们正要动身,天下起雨来。[误] We were just about to start, when it rained.[正] We were about to start, when it r... [查看全文]
那男孩大约八九岁。[误] The boy was about eight or nine years old.[正] The boy was eight or nine years old.注:abo... [查看全文]
成千上万的人来到这里向战争纪念碑敬献花圈。[误] Thousands and thousands of people came and laid bouquets at the war me... [查看全文]
昨晚台风袭击上海郊区,许多人受伤了。[误] Last night a typhoon hit the suburban areas of Shanhai and many people were... [查看全文]
我以前有过一辆大众轿车。[误] I would have a Volkswagen.[正] I used to have a Volkswagen.注:虽然 would 和 used to ... [查看全文]
奇怪,鲍勃会在那个转角处出了事。[误] It is strange that Bob would have an accident at that corner.[正] It is strang... [查看全文]
我宁愿你明天来看我。[误] I would rather you will come to see me tomorrow.[正] I would rather you came to see me... [查看全文]
你觉得电影好看吗?还可以,但我宁愿去听音乐会。[误] Did you enjoy the movie? It was okay, but I would rather went to ... [查看全文]