去伦敦的访问使他能与律师决定事务。[误] The visit to London afforded him to settle his business with the lawyers.[正]... [查看全文]
他不至于做卑鄙和欺骗的事情。[误] He is beyond meanness and deceit.[正] He is above meanness and deceit.注:above 常指... [查看全文]
他从海外来。他居住加拿大。[误] He came from abroad. He lives in Canada.[正] He came from overseas. He lives in Can... [查看全文]
他在吗?---不在。[误] ---Is he in? ---No, he is absent.[正] ---Is he in? ---No, he is out/not in.注:absent 通常表示缺席,如果表示不在,一般用 not in 或 out。 [查看全文]
那个男孩对新的知识吸收很快。[误] The boy absorbs in new knowledge quickly.[正] The boy absorbs new knowledge quickly.... [查看全文]
你是在寻找住处吧?[误] Are you looking for an accommodation?[正] Are you looking for accommodation?注:accommodation 是... [查看全文]
经理由一位秘书陪同。[误] The manager was accompanied with a secretary.[正] The manager was accompanied by a secretar... [查看全文]
他是自愿参加的。[误] He participated out of his own accord.[正] He participated of his own accord.注:accord 作名词... [查看全文]
依我看,房租太贵。[误] According to me, the rent\'s too high.[正] In my opinion, the rent\'s too high.注:按... [查看全文]
他们一步一步地达到了目标。[误] They reached their aim step by step.[正] They achieved their aim step by step.注:达... [查看全文]