年度考核:annual assessment日前,国家公务员局下发三个试行规定,将工作表现和业绩列为公务员考核标准。根据规定,连续两年年度考核被评... [查看全文]
鸵鸟政策:head in the sand approach美国当选总统奥巴马在接受电视采访时表示,美国经济面临的最大挑战是使人们重回工作岗位。奥巴马... [查看全文]
绿色复苏:green recovery美国当选总统奥巴马近日公布了经济刺激方案,并表示希望新的经济刺激方案是绿色的。该方案旨在增加 绿领工作岗... [查看全文]
You’re listening to the World News from the BBC in London.Western and Arab foreign ministers have agreed to... [查看全文]
At least 20 protesters have been killed in Syria during mass demonstrations against President Assad. Security forc... [查看全文]
The diplomatic move means the US and other countries will now be able to unblock some $30bn in frozen assets a... [查看全文]
在奥斯陆,军队正在街上巡逻,所有旗帜都降下,人们纷纷走向教堂点燃蜡烛,献上鲜花。被捕男子德西?布莱维克称他自己是基督徒和保守分子。... [查看全文]
Norway is a country in mourning a day after at least 92 people, many teenagers, were killed in a shooting spre... [查看全文]
The diplomatic move means the US and other countries will now be able to unblock some $30bn in frozen assets a... [查看全文]
Five civilians have been killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. They were all passengers in a minivan travell... [查看全文]