托福阅读中的句子插入题是比较讲究技巧的题型。了解该题型考点的同学能够很讯速地找到正确的插入位置,而不清楚解题技巧的同学可能会在... [查看全文]
托福阅读备考时,选择各类课外材料进行补充阅读是较为常见的提升方式,许多同学的阅读基本功也是通过课外阅读逐步积累而来的。那么课外... [查看全文]
托福阅读的考试时间看似不少,但实际上由于题数众多,分配到每道题目上的解题时间还是比较少的,整体的考试时间相当紧张。因此,掌握一... [查看全文]
托福阅读加试难点分析 首先,在托福考试中遇到阅读加试的话,其难度普遍比听力加试更高。原因在于: 1.连续4篇阅读比听力耗费更... [查看全文]
托福阅读修辞目的题基本介绍 修辞目的题是问为什么作者给出某个具体的信息或例子,也就说实际考察的是学生在阅读中角色转换的能力,... [查看全文]
原句案例: A good illustration of this occurred after sea otters were eliminated from some Pacific kelp (sea... [查看全文]
原句案例: The growth of mutual trust among merchants facilitated the growth of sales on credit and led to... [查看全文]
原句案例: This focus on explaining dinosaur extinction misses an important point: the extinct at the end of... [查看全文]
原句案例: The literature of the Sumerians was treasured throughout the Near East, and long after Sumerian c... [查看全文]
原句案例: In the near-surface layers, there are many large, fast carnivores as well as an immense variety ... [查看全文]