原句案例: The K-T event marked the end of the marine reptiles, such as the mosasaurs and the plesiosaurs,... [查看全文]
原句案例: Frog species that remain exposed to the sun despite high diurnal temperatures exhibit some fascina... [查看全文]
原句案例: In contrast to mammals and birds, amphibians are unable to produce thermal energy through their m... [查看全文]
原句案例: Geographic isolation creates opportunities for new species to develop, but it does not necessarily... [查看全文]
(1) 时间和数字。 一般来说,出现时间概念的文章或段落通常和时间顺序有关,作者会用不同的时间点串出一条时间线索(clue)。而个别... [查看全文]
1、主题——增加背景知识 有部分学生反映做阅读时很难投入进去,有一点原因就是对于文章所述内容太过陌生,如果你对其略知一二,相... [查看全文]
原句案例: The delta rocks in which these fossils are found are commonly red due to oxidized iron minerals,... [查看全文]
原句案例: For example, some have blamed dinosaur extinction on the development of flowering plants, which we... [查看全文]