英译汉 1、Don Quixote 2、cineplex 3、apple polisher 4、CIF 5、tax relief 汉译英 1、旗舰店 2、... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、oceanic governance 2、inter-semiotic translation 3、domesticating translation 4、cultural transplan... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、ETC 2、pragmatism 3、tax incentive 4、trade facilitation 5、fan economy 汉译英 1、科创板... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、data mining 2、a stone's throw 3、fluctuate in line with market conditions 4、counterfeit and... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、China International Big Data Industry Expo 2、Bretton Woods System 3、deposit reserve ratio 4... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、Nash Equilibrium 2、cap and trade 3、Like knows like 4、catfish effect 5、to teach fish to... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、openess and inclusiveness 2、swing states 3、Matthew Effect 4、radio telescope 5、THAAD 汉... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、ICO 2、Party Constitution 3、oblique translation 4、Suzhou embroidery 5、Autumn Equinox 汉... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、Darwinian law of the jungle 2、ransomware 3、UNICEF 4、think tank 5、roll up our sleeves t... [查看全文]
英译汉 1、deflation 2、to burn one's boat 3、to show one's card 4、make-or-break 5、R & D 汉译英... [查看全文]