'Glass Ceiling' Still Exists for Women女性面临的玻璃天花板依然存在2016年对美国女性来说是非常重要的... [查看全文]
For almost 29 years, Martha Gach has been a Girl Scout. She has been both a Girl Scout and an adult volunteer... [查看全文]
Memorial Day: Arlington National CemeteryMemorial Day is a national holiday observed in the United States on the ... [查看全文]
Democrats, Republicans Disagree on Supreme Court NominationThe Republican and Democratic U.S. senators whohave served... [查看全文]
High Demand from Investors for Special US VisasThe number of people from other countries --especially China -- wh... [查看全文]
Will US Let Some Undocumented Immigrants Stay?About 10 million undocumented immigrants live in the U.S. Because th... [查看全文]
Twelve Mispronounced U.S. Place NamesPlace names in the United States are a hodgepodge, a seemingly random collect... [查看全文]
Supreme Court Helps Define ‘One Person, One Vote’One person, one vote is a guiding principle of Americ... [查看全文]
Are Teenagers Mature Enough to Vote?In Ohio’s presidential primary recently, 17-year-olds were permitted to vo... [查看全文]
Americans Take 80% of World’s Opioid SupplyThe U.S. government is dealing with an epidemic of opioid use.Ame... [查看全文]