Trump Is 'Presumptive' Republican Nominee as Cruz Exits克鲁兹退选 特朗普稳获共和党提名Donald T... [查看全文]
Cruz's Victory Slows Trump's PathWith a victory in the state of Wisconsin, Texas Senator Ted Cruz slowed ... [查看全文]
Foreign Leaders Taking Sides Against Donald TrumpWhen Cuban President Raúl Castro was asked his view of the... [查看全文]
GrowingViolenceatDonaldTrumpCampaignEventsRepublicanpresidentialcandidateDonaldTrumpsaidheisauniter,butthegrowingviolenceathiscamp... [查看全文]
Should We Torture Suspects for Information?你支持严刑逼供恐怖分子吗?People are divided about whether ... [查看全文]
Sanders, Trump Win in MichiganPresidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won primary elections in Mich... [查看全文]
Democrats Welcome Run Against TrumpHillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party candidates for the U.S.... [查看全文]
Trump, Clinton Control Race for US PresidentMarch 1 was Super Tuesday, but March 15 will be key for candidates ... [查看全文]
If you count the delegates won by Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the race... [查看全文]
US Presidential Race Could Be Clearer This WeekIt could become clear this week who the Republican and Democratic... [查看全文]