Hundreds of foreign migrants entered the European Union Wednesday through the cornfields of Cr... [查看全文]
Serbia says it is unable to deal with the large number of foreign migrants gathered along its border with Hunga... [查看全文]
Taliban fighters have raided a prison in eastern Afghanistan. Hundreds of prisoners escaped in... [查看全文]
In the NewsThe United States Senate has blocked a resolution to reject the agreement between world powers and Ir... [查看全文]
Refugees from Syria and other countries in conflict are making their way from Hungary to Germany and other parts... [查看全文]
Thai officials are seeking two additional people in connection with their investigation of a deadly bombing in Ba... [查看全文]
参考译文As many as 50 refugees were found dead inside a truck in Austria Thursday. An Austrian official confirmed... [查看全文]
UPDATE:The suspected gunman has died of gunshot wounds. He shot himself when confronted by po... [查看全文]
Stock market measures in the U.S.fell Tuesday after strong gains in the first hours of tradi... [查看全文]
Officials fromSouth Koreaand North Korea announced Tuesday they had reached an agreement. South Korea agreed to en... [查看全文]