【新词】HEIDIS:海蒂族【新词解析】HEIDI分别由首字母为H、E、I、D、 I的五个单词构成,突出了海蒂族的五大特性。这五个字母分别表示:H&... [查看全文]
【新词】rushing clan:奔奔族A group of people who love to have fun but hard work.一群热爱玩乐却玩命工作的人。【新词来... [查看全文]
Premier Li Keqiang has embarked on a visit to Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile from May 18 to 26 and will pus... [查看全文]
People who want to have the experience of helicopter hailing through a click can try the service offered by a ... [查看全文]
近些年,我们经常会听到人们说起亚健康这个词,说是现在大多数上班族都或多或少有些亚健康状态,而且多是压力太大引起的。可是,有研究发现... [查看全文]
A man named Xu Chunhe was shot dead by a local policeman at the railway station in Qing'an, Heilongjiang be... [查看全文]
China: Hotline to help enforce Beijing smoking ban北京最严禁烟令即将实施The authorities in Beijing have set up a ho... [查看全文]
中国控制吸烟协会发布了2014年度热播国产影视剧烟草镜头监测结果。电影《一步之遥》因吸烟镜头最多而获脏烟灰缸奖。 The Chinese ... [查看全文]
Some people worry that officials' job-hopping may be a way to obtain a status dividend, which may result... [查看全文]
The central government is using a "carrot and stick" strategy to ensure that more than 1.7 trillion yuan ($2... [查看全文]