Work on setting up a "three-dimensional" security network is to be stepped up under a national policy package ai... [查看全文]
The American Apparel and Footwear Association has asked the Office of the US Trade Representative and the Securit... [查看全文]
Sexpert(性学专家)是个合成词,源于sex + expert。性学专家或性学大师还可以称为sex therapist。A person who professes a knowled... [查看全文]
The trip is aimed at helping US companies launch or increase their business operations in China for building sma... [查看全文]
Couchsurfing refers to the practice of moving from one friend's house to another, sleeping in whatever spare ... [查看全文]
Chinese health regulators have issued a ban on hospitals providing online medical diagnosis.中国卫生监管机构颁发了一条... [查看全文]
China's weather forecasts have become less accurate due to decline in the value of the Russian rouble, the N... [查看全文]
Nanodegrees are at the other end of the scale from the traditional university degree. For a degree, you spend t... [查看全文]
Shanghai is going to introduce sky train into the city, with transparent carriages meant to provide passengers wi... [查看全文]
直男癌这个新兴词汇于2014年6月末出现于豆瓣与微博,源于网友们对活在自己的世界观、价值观、审美观里,时时向别人流露出对对方的不顺眼及... [查看全文]