After you is good manners.您先请是礼貌。Do you usually say, I’m going to the toilet in English?你是否常用I&rsq... [查看全文]
猕猴桃 kiwi fruit蓝莓blue berry['berɪ] ['bɛri]芋头taro['tɑ:rəu, 'tæ-]柿子persimmon[pə'sɪmən]... [查看全文]
Starting with the top row, on the left side, we have a:从第一排左边开始:stop sign– When you see this sign... [查看全文]
1. Blind date相亲Although dating a person who is visually impaired might be considered a blind date, the term is... [查看全文]
自拍或者拍照时噘嘴不知从什么时候开始成了一种潮流,社交网站上充斥着各种各样的嘟嘴照片。因为这个潮流波及范围很广,以至于连牛津在... [查看全文]
有钱就是任性这句话最近挺火,用来调侃有钱人令网友大跌眼镜的做事风格,并衍生出成绩好就是任性、年轻就是任性等用语。那么问题来了,小伙... [查看全文]
As an Adjective: BitchyYou can call a man or a woman a bitch (with different meanings, as described in 3 and ... [查看全文]
现在不论是装修还是拍婚纱照,大家都喜欢留个尾款最后再付,目的是为了保证质量,那么尾款用英语如何表达呢?Retainage is an amount of... [查看全文]