South Africa Faces Worsening Power OutagesChildren play below illegally connected electrical wires in Kliptown, Sowe... [查看全文]
US Politics Could Affect Iran Nuclear Talks美国政策影响伊朗核对话U.S. Secretary of State John Ke... [查看全文]
Robots Go To Work for Dentists and PatientsTechnology Reduces Time in Dentist’s ChairFor years, robots have ... [查看全文]
VOA Staff Presents 'A Visit From St. Nicholas'The American idea of Santa Claus largely comes from a poem... [查看全文]
Helping California’s HomelessHomeless Camps Linger in CaliforniaEarlier this month, California police cleared wh... [查看全文]
How the US Deals with its Sexual Assault ProblemIn this Sept. 19, 2014, sexual assault survivor Lilly Jay, right... [查看全文]
Indonesia Reports Increase in Citizens Joining Islamic StateBy VOA20 December, 2014Indonesia estimates that more tha... [查看全文]
A Los Angeles ChristmasBy VOA19 December, 2014The end of December is a time when many Americans are thinking abo... [查看全文]
India Joins Pakistan in Mourning Murdered StudentsIndia and Pakistan have long disagreed about manyissues. But on ... [查看全文]
In US, Support for Death Penalty Is StrongBy Christopher Cruise16 December, 2014Most industrialized nations have st... [查看全文]