Daily Dialogue 日常会话BenefitsAndrew: What is your salary at present?Gary: My present wage is 70,000 dollars per... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ transportation allowance 交通补贴▲ social benefit 福利待遇▲ life insurance 人寿保险▲ labor insurance 劳... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Spare TimeKaren: Welcome back! How was your vacation?Mark: It was fantastic, but I'm glad... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ leisure [ˈleʒə] n. 闲暇;空闲▲ spare time 业余时间▲ pastime [ˈpɑ:staim] n. 娱乐,消遣▲ recrea... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Good CharacterAndrew: Okay, Gary. Now you've given me a good idea of your work and academ... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ bad-tempered [ˌbædˈtempəd] adj. 脾气不好的;易怒的▲ bland [blænd] adj. 温和的;冷漠的▲ bossy [... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Skill of LanguageSerena: Most of our customers are foreigners. How many foreign languages c... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ English [ˈiŋɡli∫] n. 英语▲ Chinese [t∫aɪˈni:z] n. 汉语;中文▲ Japanese [ˌdʒæpəˈni:z] n... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Company InformationRita: Well, I've looked over your resume, Mr. Peepers.Ted: Please, call ... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ major product 主要产品▲ reputation [ˌrepju(ː)ˈteiʃən] n. 名声,名誉;声望▲ asset [ˈæset] n. ... [查看全文]