Daily Dialogue 日常会话Waiting for the PlaneClerk: Next, please.Dick: Is this the right counter to check in for... [查看全文]
核心词汇Δ take off 起飞Δ get to 到达Δ be about to 即将;刚要;正打算▲ boarding [ˈbɔ:diŋ] n. 登机;上船▲ a... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Business TripLucy: Hey, Peter. Have you made your business itinerary and booked up ticket?P... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ itinerary [aiˈtinərəri] n. 路线,旅程;旅行指南▲ secretary [ˈsekrətəri] n. 秘书;书记;部长;大臣▲... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Applying for a VisaBrant: Do you know where the visa office is?Su: No idea.Brant: It's ... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ business [ˈbiznis] n. 商业;生意;交易;事情▲ visit [ˈvizit] n. 访问;参观;逗留 v. 访问;参观▲ citi... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话BiddingArthur: We're willing to participate in the bid which you advertised in China Daily.... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ tender [ˈtendə] v. 投标▲ bid [bid] n. 出价;叫牌 v. 投标;出价;吩咐Δ eligible bidders 合格的投标... [查看全文]
Daily Dialogue 日常会话Complaints and ClaimsPearl: I'd like to talk to you about something that is getting to be... [查看全文]
核心词汇▲ complaint [kəmˈpleint] n. 投诉;抱怨;诉苦;委屈▲ receive [riˈsi:v] v. 收到;接待;接纳▲ behalf [bi... [查看全文]